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This sub-division carries out its mission, namely:

  • Develop professional centers for education, training and traditional medical services
  • Conserve traditional medicine through education, training and services that fit the needs of the community
  • Create a process of education, training and traditional medical services that are consistent with the concept of holistic health
  • Develop other basic health training (reproductive health counselling, local food, PKP etc.) for higher education institutions, institutions in need.

The traditional health mentioned here includes: acupuncture, acupressure, reflection, and herbs. Especially for acupuncture training, in accordance with government regulations, we open training classes only for medical personnel. For other types of traditional health can be trained for the public with any backgrounds.

For each type of training, the duration can vary according to the standard Module. We also provide test exams to maintain the quality of students, so that the CD Bethesda YAKKUM has also obtained permission as an LKP which is allowed to conduct TUK (skills test). Thus, each student is entitled to an official certificate.

For training fees, you can contact our staff further by telephone 0274-514100 or email info@cdbethesda.org on working days and hours Monday to Friday from 08.00 - 16.00 WIB, except for national holidays, Saturday and Sunday. Please also visit us on FB: Ksdbethesda Yogyakarta

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Our Team

Eko Rusmiyati, S.Psi
Jabatan Kepala Divisi Kewirausahaan Sosial
"Hidup adalah kumpulan keyakinan dan perjuangan"